
fun init()(source)

Initialize CouchbaseLite library. Unlike the Couchbase Lite Java SDK, this method is optional to call before using CouchbaseLite. The no-parameter CouchbaseLite.init() will be called automatically by default.

This method expects the current directory to be writeable and will throw an IllegalStateException if it is not. Use init(boolean, File, File) to specify alternative root and scratch directories.


on initialization failure

fun init(debug: Boolean)(source)

Initialize CouchbaseLite library. Unlike the Couchbase Lite Java SDK, this method is optional to call before using CouchbaseLite. The no-parameter CouchbaseLite.init() will be called automatically by default.

This method expects the current directory to be writeable and will throw an IllegalStateException if it is not. Use init(boolean, File, File) to specify alternative root and scratch directories.



true if debugging


on initialization failure

fun init(debug: Boolean, rootDir: File, scratchDir: File)(source)

Initialize CouchbaseLite library. Unlike the Couchbase Lite Java SDK, this method is optional to call before using CouchbaseLite. The no-parameter CouchbaseLite.init() will be called automatically by default.

This method allows specifying a default root directory for database files, and the scratch directory used for temporary files (the native library, etc.). Both directories must be writable by this process.



true if debugging


default directory for databases


scratch directory for SQLite


on initialization failure